E-Sports Meeting

Southern University Laboratory School would like to invite you to our Esports informational meeting on Monday, July 20, 2020 at 6 PM.  We launched our Esports program during the 2019-2020 school year,  and experienced much success.  We ended the school year with one of our very own winning a National Championship and  scholarship money.  Esports is more than just gaming; it enhances students academically in STEM related courses, it strengthens critical and logical thinking skills, and much, much  more.  Come out and join Christopher Turner, our Esports coach and teacher, to hear more about how your child can be a part of this wonderful program.  

Join on Google Meets https://meet.google.com/hpx-idik-hfz or join in by phone, 

(US) +1 727-325-2134‬ PIN: ‪924 480 762‬#  We look forward to you joining us.