Alumni Welcome
Our alumni are valued members of the Laboratory School Family. Whether you graduated 20 years ago, five years ago, or last year, you’re a valued member of our school community, and we love staying in touch with you. We are dedicated to keeping our alumni connected to the school—and to each other. The doors to the school are always open to you, and we welcome our alum to participate in school events and fundraisers.
We hope to see you soon - whether it’s to catch up with former classmates at our annual homecoming activities, the Legacy Gala, or Annual Crawfish Boil; watch the Kittens play under the lights; catch the marching band in a Mardi Gras parade; or visit students on campus, you are welcome. You are our family.
In the meantime, you can connect with us online by following SULS on the school’s Facebook page, the Alumni & Friends Facebook page, Instagram, or Twitter. Please make sure to update your contact information to receive our email newsletter, and other updates from Southern University Laboratory School.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have, any thoughts about how to enhance our alumni program, or if you would like to schedule a tour to see the Kittens in action.
Interim Vice President of Membership - Vacant
Interim Vice President of Events - Jennifer Minor
Interim Treasurer - John Porter
Interim Financial Secretary - Charissa Hayes
Interim Legal Advisor - Kimberly Haynes
Interim President - Denise Metevia Armstrong
Interim Executive Vice President - Vacant
Interim Recording Secretary - Tara Hollins
Interim Chaplain - Vacant
Interim Parliamentarian - Avril Patrick