SULS Wellness

Emotional Well-being

 The SULS Guidance Counselor is trained and understands how to respond to the emotional needs of students. As part of the school’s planned reopening, all are receiving training specifically to help students cope with any COVID-19 related issues: reentry stress, anxiety, trauma, and loss. Additionally, our SULS counselor is always available to conduct individual and small group support based on student, instructor and parent referrals. She can be reached at

Temperature Checks

Temperature checks will be conducted upon arrival at school. Students with 100.4+ temperature may not remain on campus. Parents will be provided with a designated location from which to pick-up students with fever.

 In Case of Illness

 Students who are COVID-19 positive must stay at home until deemed non-infectious by a doctor. Additionally, individuals who were in close contact - less than 6 feet for over 15 minutes with a COVID-19 patient should stay at home and monitor symptoms for 14 days. In true Kitten spirit, it is important that we care for one another and protect one another from illness to the fullest extent possible. Please follow these guidelines in case of illness in your household:

Students who are sick should stay at home (regardless of illness). Parents are to report if their child has been on fever reducing medication in the prior 24 hours or has had a cough or shortness of breath or any COVID-19 related symptoms as designated by the CDC including body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, nausea, sore throat, congestion and/or a runny nose.

Face Coverings


Face coverings should be worn by adults and students in 3rd-12th grade to the maximum extent possible at arrival, in classrooms, during transitions within the school building and at dismissal. It is the responsibility of each individual to provide their own face covering. No specific type is required. Masks, shields and/or gators are all acceptable; however, SULS uniform guidelines will be enforced.

Social Distancing

Social distancing will be implemented to the fullest extent possible. Classrooms will be arranged for 6ft. Spacing. Students will move about the building using designated flow paths during transitions between classes and activities. Students will participate in recess and P.E. with social distancing and “hands-free” games or activities. If equipment is used, it will be sanitized after use. Students will sanitize their hands before returning to the classrooms.

Gatherings, such as assemblies and special events will adhere to current Phase-level guidelines. Field trips will resume once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.


Throughout COVID-19 restrictions, visitors will be allowed in the school building only in extenuating circumstances.  Upon arrival, he/she will have to report to the front office to have his/her temperature checked.  

 Enhanced Cleanliness

 SULS will operate using the increased cleaning protocols recommended by the CDC to ensure that all campus buildings are cleaned and disinfected consistent with that guidance. Antibacterial wipes/disinfectant spray will be used on high-touch and learning surfaces as groups change. All individuals will use hand sanitizer at arrival, at every class change and/or every 2 hours, before and after eating or using play equipment and at exit/dismissal.


Students in grades PK – K will eat lunch inside the cafeteria using a staggered schedule. Students in grades 1-5 will eat lunch in the cafeteria.  Students in middle and high school will eat lunch in the cafeteria using staggering times.  In the event of inclement weather, they will eat lunch in the classrooms. 

•  Students who eat lunch in the cafeteria will be seated every third seat and will face the same direction. 

• A staggered schedule will allow the cafeteria staff to bring lunches to designated grades in the classrooms in a manner that allows for social distancing. 

• Consideration will be given to having lunch outside when the weather permits.

Water Fountains

In adherence with safety guidelines, water fountains will be turned off. Students should bring a water bottle with a closed top. Bottled water can be purchased from the school concessions or from the vending machine located in the gymnasium.