Request for Proposal: Cafeteria Services — Southern University Lab School

Request for Proposal: Cafeteria Services

Southern University Laboratory School (SUBR) is taking Request for Proposal (RFP ) for Food Service Management Meals. Food Service Management Meal Contract Services National School Lunch, Breakfast, Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program

Proposal Number: 50016-10296

Southern University Purchasing Department will receive sealed Request for Proposals (RFP) until the time and date specified in this RFP. No proposal will be considered if received by the Purchasing Department after the specified time and date. Beginning at that time, bids will be publicly opened and read in the Purchasing Department Conference Room-1st Floor East of the J.S. Clark Administration Annex Building.8100 James J. Prestage Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70813. Telephone Numbers for the Purchasing Department, (225) 771-2801, (225) 771-2800 or (225) 771-4587.

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